Effect of Treating Alfalfa Seeds with Gibberellin and Nano-fertilizer on Productive Characteristics and Protein Content in Hydroponic Cultures

Mohammed Amin Walid Al-Amin *

Department of Field Crops, College of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Mosul, Iraq.

Abdul Sattar Asmir Al-Rajbo

Department of Field Crops, College of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Mosul, Iraq.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This study was carried out in an experiment in an incubator designed for hydroponic seed germination with tight thermal insulation in the laboratories of the Department of Plant Production Technologies at the Technical College of Agriculture in Mosul, which is affiliated with the Northern Technical University in Iraq, where the seeds of the Dutch variety alfalfa (Medicago sativa. L) were germinated commercially and four times between 2022 and 2024. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors and three replicates in perforated dishes with dimensions of 28 cm in length and 19 cm in width (area 532 cm2) at a seed rate of kg / m2, resulting in an average seed weight of 53 g in one dish. The first experimental factor was the germination periods, while the second factor was soaking the seeds in solutions of varying amounts made from gibberellin and nano-compound fertilizer with the comparison treatment, which is soaking in water alone, as follows:

Gibberellin 100 ppm and given the symbol GA 100ppm-

Gibberellin 200 ppm and given the symbol 200ppm GA-

--Nano fertilizer 20:20:20 NPK at a concentration of 2000 ppm and given the symbol NPK2000ppm.

-Nano fertilizer 20:20:20 NPK at a concentration of 4000 ppm and given the symbol NPK4000ppm.

This study showed that the Gibberellin 200ppm GA treatment was significantly superior to the rest of the other soaking treatments in the characteristics of the height of the incubator (3.66 cm), as well as the wet weight of both seedlings and roots and their dry weight, which were (497.88, 56.97g/dish-1), respectively, The fresh and dried root weights were considerably greater in the same treatment, at (400.86 and 43.86 g/dish-1), respectively.  while the comparison treatment was superior. Morally, it was significantly superior to the rest of the other soaking treatments in the characteristic of protein in the medium was (18.29%).

 As for the times of hydroponic seed germination, there were no significant differences between the times in all the studied characteristics, which enhances the high degree of incubator isolation, the accuracy of implementing the experiment, and the accuracy of taking the results.

Keywords: Hydroponics, alfalfa, seed soaking, gibberellin, nano fertilizer

How to Cite

Al-Amin, Mohammed Amin Walid, and Abdul Sattar Asmir Al-Rajbo. 2024. “Effect of Treating Alfalfa Seeds With Gibberellin and Nano-Fertilizer on Productive Characteristics and Protein Content in Hydroponic Cultures”. Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry 10 (4):180-87. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajraf/2024/v10i4327.