Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics in the Highlands of Northern Ethiopia
Abadi Gidey Nirea *
Alamata Agricultural Research Center Natural Resource Research, Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, P.O. Box 56, Alamata, Tigray, Ethiopia.
Kassa Teka
Department of Land Resource Management and Environmental Protection, Mekelle University, P.O. Box 231, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
In the highlands of northern Ethiopia, many land use and land cover changes (LULCC) have occurred during different activities of the populations. Despite its coverage and unwise use of natural resources, these land uses and land covers are facing increasing or decreasing their area coverage. Information derived from land use and land cover change detection is important to land conservation, sustainable development, and management of Natural resources. This purpose of this study is therefore concerned with identifying the change in land use and land cover detection of the Wejic watershed. To identify land cover changes detection; remote sensing data, satellite imagery and image processing techniques had done within two dates of 1998 and 2017 using Land sat TM 30 m resolution images using Arc GIS 10.1. Hence, a field survey was carried out in 2017 to identify the major land cover types in the watershed. Detection Analysis of land use and land cover dynamics were calculated from the selected watershed in Southern Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. These land use types were cultivated, forest, bush, shrub, and homestead lands. Furthermore, a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was developed for both years. The land use and land cover change results indicated that forest, cultivated land, and bush land decreased by 4.4%, 2.2%, and 2.4%, respectively. However, shrub land and homestead increased by 5.5% and 3.6%, respectively. Therefore The change detection analysis using GIS and remote sensing could deliver useful information to understand the seasonal patterns of land use dynamics for planners and decision makers; consequently, sustainable land management planning is possible.
Keywords: Satellite image, change detection, land use and land cover, watershed