Cost Benefit Analysis of Bale Mangrove Agroecotourism in East Lombok Regency

Rauhil Inayati *

Master of Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Mataram University, Indonesia.

Tajidan Tajidan

Master of Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Mataram University, Indonesia.

Muhamad Siddik

Master of Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Mataram University, Indonesia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Agroecotourism has a major contribution to realizing community, however, it hurts the environment as well. Problems that often occur are that management is usually not by the principles of sustainability, resulting in over-exploitation of resources and conflicts between the interests of local communities and tourism managers. Interests of local communities and tourism managers. The method used in this research is the descriptive method. The unit of analysis in this study was Bale Mangrove Agroecotourism located in Poton Bako hamlet, Jerowaru village, Jerowaru sub-district, East Lombok Regency. This study used 62 respondents, determined by the rule of thumbs. The data sources in this study are primary data and secondary data. Data collection will be done using survey techniques, such as conducting direct interviews using data collection tools in the form of a pre-prepared list of questions. This research aims to: analyze social and economic feasibility; analyze sensitivity; analyze total economic value; and analyze development strategies. The results showed: that Bale Mangrove Agroecotourism in East Lombok Regency has a private price of IDR 11,137,425/month, a profit at the social price level of IDR 16,516,350/month, and a divergence value of IDR - 5,378,925 which means it is feasible and has the competitiveness to continue to be developed; Sensitivity analysis shows that the PCR and DCR values are still below one, which means that Bale Mangrove Agroecotourism in East Lombok Regency still has a competitive advantage and comparative advantage; The total economic value of Bale Mangrove Agroecotourism in East Lombok Regency is IDR 1,251,996,209/year; Alternative strategic priorities that can be used to develop Bale Mangrove Agroecotourism are establishing cooperation with various stakeholders, increasing loyalty to tourists, developing tour packages, and adding information boards about protecting the environment at various spots.

Keywords: Cost-benefit, agroecotourism, total economic value, PAM, SWOT, AHP

How to Cite

Inayati, Rauhil, Tajidan Tajidan, and Muhamad Siddik. 2025. “Cost Benefit Analysis of Bale Mangrove Agroecotourism in East Lombok Regency”. Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry 11 (1):58-71.