Constraints Faced and Suggestions Made by the Cattle Rearers in Management of Milch Cattle during Transition Period

V. N. Khairnar *

Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri – 413722, India.

B. D. Romade

Department of Agricultural Extension Education, College of Agriculture, Muktainagar – 425306, India.

S. D. Patil

Department of Agricultural Extension Education, College of Agriculture, Muktainagar – 425306, India.

K. G. Raut

Department of Animal Husbandry and dairy Science, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri – 413722, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The study, conducted in 2023-24 in the Nashik district of Maharashtra, investigates the constraints faced and suggestions made by cattle rearers in management of milch cattle during transition period. The research was carried out in Sinnar tehsil of Nashik district, involving 120 cattle rearers from twelve villages, with data collected through personal interviews using a specially designed schedule. Statistical analysis revealed several significant constraints such as, high veterinary medicine costs, low milk rates, and high feed costs. Additionally, many respondents lacked sufficient information on proper management practices during the transition period. Other notable constraints included difficulties in identifying cattle diseases, high incidence of diseases during the transition period, distant veterinary hospitals and unavailability of government veterinary doctors, lack of knowledge about vaccination schedules and calf care, and inadequate veterinary services.

To address these challenges, respondents suggested providing generic animal drugs in each circle, government regulation on milk adulteration and pricing of feed, medicines, and dairy equipment and on-farm demonstrations of improved management practices. Additional suggestions included linking dairy farmers with agricultural universities and institutions, strengthening agricultural extension services and imparting training.

Keywords: Transition period, cattle, cattle management, animal husbandry

How to Cite

Khairnar, V. N., B. D. Romade, S. D. Patil, and K. G. Raut. 2025. “Constraints Faced and Suggestions Made by the Cattle Rearers in Management of Milch Cattle During Transition Period”. Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry 11 (1):80-84.