Dr. Mohan Krishna Balla

I am a retired Professor of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management. I retired on October 1, 2014 after serving 31 years at Tribhuvan University, Institute of Forestry, Nepal. My responsibilities included teaching Forest Hydrology and Soil Conservation and Watershed Management courses at B.Sc. Forestry and M.Sc. WM level, research in related fields, curriculum development, management and coordination of externally funded projects, etc. I have done B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. from Haryana, India in 1974 and M.F.R. from UGA, Georgia, USA in 1983. I had to quit Ph.D. after eight quarters at Auburn University, Alabama, USA on health reasons in 1996. My publications include more than 30 research and review articles on soil conservation and watershed management, land use changes, wetland conservation, runoff and soil erosion, soil fertility, nutrient losses, etc. in national, and international journals and proceedings, reports on IEE, research and development consultancies for national and international organizations, teaching manuals on forest hydrology and soil conservation and watershed management, editing of 13 proceedings, theses compendium, journals and special publications and peer-reviewed many mnuscripts. Currently, I am involved in flood hazard report preparation in land use plan preparation for Land Use Planning Project, Nepal.